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Visa Account Updater

Introducing the New Visa® Account Updater (VAU) Program

If you're a Citizens Bank Visa debit cardholder, you can now take advantage of this new program that delivers a seamless account-update process between Citizens Bank and the participating merchants linked to your card. So next time your debit card expires or enhancements are made, VAU will update all of the participating merchants with whom you have ongoing relationships, require no direct action on your part. If your card is lost or stolen, the merchant should contact the cardholder directly.
To OPT-OUT of the VAU program here's how:
Call us at 270.465.8193, during regular business hours
Visit us at any of our convenient locations
Log on to your online banking via ExpressNet Login
Once logged in click 'Contact' and then click the 'New' tab and submit in the form that you want to be removed from this program.


Q. What is account updater?
A. Visa Account Updater (VAU) is a service that facilitates the secure exchange of updated card information between participating merchants and Visa card issuers. Please note: Not all merchants participate in automatic updates. Updates are not guaranteed by merchants before the next billing cycle.
Q. What if I want to discontinue or opt-out of the value service later?
A. You can opt-out of VAU at any time by notifying a bank customer service representative at 270.465.8193, Mon. - Fri. during regular business hours.
Q. Is there a charge or fee for the VAU service?
A. No, this is a free service.
Q. Does the VAU service work for mobile wallets and tokenization?
A. Yes it does.
Q. When will the changed information be shared with participating merchants?
A. Within 2 business days after the card number or expiration date changes.
Q. What information is being shared with participating merchants?
A. Citizens Bank will exchange only the card number and expiration date changes with VAU. VAU will then provide the information to participating merchants.
Q. How long does it take to activate VAU service?
A. ATM & Card Services will process the request within one business day of receipt.
Q. Can a business owner, signer, etc. opt-in all business Visa debit cards to VAU on behalf of the business?
A. No, only the individual linked to the card can authorize their card for VAU.